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With much excitement and anticipation, I present to you, our chicken coop; home sweet home to Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. The hens should be starting to lay soon so it was crucial that we built them a nest this month (if we ever want to find the eggs!)

The girls love their new home.

My handyman and husband, Justin, created the coop out of reclaimed cedar boards from an old fence on our property. The greyed wood even has bits of moss on it so it blends nicely into the landscape. It is so darn cute that I want to move in! And thanks to Justin, it is very functional and easy to clean.

I have always wanted a house with a red door so i figured the next best thing was to give the hens one.

Justin spent the better part of the weekend designing and building. The inside floor is wire mesh so it can easily be hosed out.

Two hinged doors on either side lift for access to the pull out nest boxes and fresh eggs.

The interior view from the screened window. Two levels of beams provide a comfortable place for the hens to roost.

Outside, a mini park bench serves as another perch spot.

And even though they have a safe place to nest and sleep, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner still spend their days roaming the property, pecking the grass and chasing away crows.